Ever wondered which Fruits start with A? Researching foods that start with different alphabets have been a super fun project for the Kitchen Sensei Team! Fruits add tons of color to nature so why not find out which fruits begin with the letter A and other letters of the alphabet. This could be a fun project for you and your family. Get a glass of orange juice while you read through this amazing article.
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Fruits that start with A
A is for apple right? Now let’s find out which of these fruits beginning with the letter A you are able to answer without looking at the list below first. No peeking please! Leave us a comment with your answer, we’d love to hear it.
- Apple
- Apricot
- Akwu
- Avocado
- Amaou Strawberry
- Ackee
- Ambarella
- Ambrosia Melon
- Areva Melon
- Annatto
- Aki
- Aki oyibo
- Annona
- Asian Pears
- Asam Kumbang
- Asam Payak
- Amla
- Akebi Fruit
- Amanatsu
- Aubergine
More about fruits that begin with the letter A
1. Apples

Apples are the most popular that come to mind we think of fruits that start with A and even foods that start with A. For good reason since A is for Apple is a very common chant in pre k and kindergarten.
2. Apricot

What is an Apricot? An apricot is a type of fruit that belongs to the same family as peaches, plums, and cherries. It has a smooth, round shape and a yellow or orange color, with a small indentation at the top where the stem attached to the fruit.
Unlike apple which is popular a kid may find it difficult saying what an apricot is. Apricots have velvet skin and are known for their sweet and tangy flavor, and they are often used to make jams, in desserts and other sweet dishes they have a soft texture like peaches and are usually eaten raw.
Apricots are also said to be a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.
3. Akwu

Akwu is what the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria call Palm fruits. These palm fruits are processed locally into palm oil and of the by products is used to cook banga soup and ofe Akwu. Akwu is used to make African Palm oil. After the flesh is taken off through cooking and further processing. That stone can be cracked and the little white ‘seeds’ are eaten. They taste like coconut.
4. Avocado

Did you know avocados are fruits and not vegetables. If your mouth is agape at the moment, close it cos that was me too. Avocados are rich in healthy fats which helps to keep you fuller for longer.
5. Amaou Strawberries

Amaou strawberries also called Japanese strawberries is a special type of strawberry grown in Japan. These strawberries are sweet, large and bright red in color and are often referred to as the king of strawberries in Japan. Strawberries are winter fruits and the best time to harvest these Amaou strawberries is from December to May.
6. Ackee

Ackee is a fruit that’s very popular in Jamaica. Ackee is also known as Ankye, Akee or Ackee apple. It is a tropical tree that is native to West Africa and is cultivated for its fruit. This tree is now found in many more places including the West Indies!
The Ackee fruit is eaten as a vegetable but needs to be cooked properly otherwise it will be poisonous. Ackee is usually cooked as a combo with salt fish like this Ackee and salt fish recipe.
7. Ambarella

Ambarella fruit also know as Hog apple, June plum is a fruit of a tropical tree. These fruits are found in tropical forests around the world. The fruits are usually preferred when they are young, fresh and green because they are sweeter and softer than when the fruit is fully mature and yellow.
8. Ambrosia Melon

Ambrosia melon is a type of melon that is known for its sweet, juicy flesh, delicious and delicate flavor. It is a hybrid variety of melon that was developed in the United States, and it is named after the mythical food of the gods in Greek mythology.
Ambrosia melons are typically oblong in shape and have a smooth, yellow-orange rind. They are often considered to be one of the best-tasting melon varieties available with a pale pink or orange flesh that is often seedless. Ambrosia melon is commonly used in fruit salads, as well as in drinks and desserts.
9. Arava Melon

Arava melon is is a type of melon that is grown in the Arava region of Israel. It is small and is known for its sweet, juicy flesh and thin, green skin. Some people say that it has a slight cucumber-like flavor.
Arava melons are known for their high sugar content and are often used in desserts and fruit salads. They are also a good source of vitamins A and C.
10. Annatto

Technically Annato is not a fruit. It’s a natural food coloring that is derived from the seeds of fruits of the Achiote tree.
11. Aki

Aki refers to the white edible part inside the palm fruit as illustrated in the image above. It is called the palm kernel. To be honest I don’t know if this is a fruit or nut but I’ll leave it here for now till I get full clarification.
8. Aki Oyibo

Aki oyibo is the Igbo native name for coconut. It’s literally translation means the white man’s palm fruit. Wondering if coconut is a fruit or nut? Coconut is botanically a fruit and not a nut.
12. Annona

Annona is a genus of flowering plants in the custard apple family, Annonaceae. It includes a number of species of trees and shrubs that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, including the well-known sugar apple, cherimoya and soursop.
These plants are known for their edible fruit, which is often used in desserts and drinks.
13. Asian pears

The Asian pear also known as an apple pear or sand pear, is a type of pear that is native to East Asia. It is round or oblong in shape, with a thin, smooth skin that is typically yellow or green in color.
Asian pears have a crisp, juicy flesh and a sweet, refreshing flavor. They are often eaten fresh as a snack or dessert, but can also be used in salads, as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt, or in other dishes.
14. Asam Kumbang
Asam Kumbang, also known as wild mango, is a type of fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is typically small and round, with a thin, yellow-orange skin. The fruit has a sour and tangy flavor, and is often used in local cuisine to add a sour kick to dishes.
Some people also use the fruit to make jam or pickles. The tree that produces asam kumbang fruits is also valued for its wood, which is used in construction and furniture making.
15. Asam payak
Asam Payak is a fruit palm native to Southeast Asia. It is also known as the soursop or graviola tree. The fruit of the asam payak palm is oval-shaped and has a green, spiky exterior.
The fruit is said to have a sweet and sour flavor, and is often used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Some people also use the leaves and bark of the tree for medicinal purposes.
16. Amla
Amla fruit, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a small, round fruit that is green in color. It is native to India and is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. The fruit is high in vitamin C, calcium, and iron, and is said to have many health benefits, including boosting the immune system, improving digestion, and promoting healthy hair and skin.
It is often used in traditional remedies for treating a variety of ailments, such as colds and flu, constipation, and chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
17. Akebi fruit
Akebi is a type of fruit native to Japan. It has a sweet and sour taste, and is often used in Japanese cuisine. The fruit is typically oblong in shape, with a thin, purple skin and a white or pink flesh.
The flavor of the fruit has been described as similar to a combination of grapes and kiwi. Akebi is also known for its high vitamin C content.
18. Amanatsu
Amanatsu also called Amanatsu orange is a type of citrus fruit that is native to Japan. It is known for its sweet and juicy flesh, and is often used in making juice, marmalade, and other fruit-based dishes. Amanatsu oranges are typically in season from June to August, and are considered a delicacy in Japan.
19. African star apple (Agbalumo)

African star apple known as Agbalumo by the Yorubas in Western Nigeria and Udara by the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria is a round shore fruit with orange skin when ripe.
It has a deep orange to red flesh when cut open with black seeds that are usually covered in some kind of membrane. African star apples have a tart to sour taste but some of them are sweet tasting.
20. Aubergine

Aubergine also known as eggplant is an elongated purple fruit that’s similar to the African garden eggs. Though Aubergine is used as a vegetable, it is botanically a fruit.
It is a member of the nightshade family and is native to India. Eggplants have a distinctive spongy texture and a mild, slightly bitter taste. They are often used in dishes such as eggplant parmesan and ratatouille.
More fruits that start with
- Fruits that start with B
- Fruits that start with C
- Fruits that start with D
- Fruits that start with E
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